HR Managers

Dovetailer understands in the scheme of Human Resources, relocation equates to a minor percentage of what the role entails.


However, we also understand if the relocation fails or the employee is unhappy in their new city it can amount to a significant cost. 

Our role is to eliminate any unnecessary costs by understanding exactly what is required by each person. We look at solutions and move forward. We think no problem is ever too big. We are not naive enough to think problems won't occur but we work to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs.

HR process

We want to make your life easier. We understand you don't need to know the detail of where your new employee lives or what the budget is you just want them on the ground, happy, relaxed, and working to their full potential in their new role as soon as possible with the least amount of interruption.  

Traditionally employees are allocated a "package" or some hours of relocation usually based on their seniority within a company. At Dovetailer we believe a "package" doesn't work for individuals. Often the company incurs significant costs they don’t need to, or the employee doesn't get what they require. This is our specialty.

As soon as your recruit is hired let us know and we will take over providing a seamless transition covering everything from temporary accommodation, household goods packing and moving, finding a new home, and schools where required.

Dovetailer can help with expert relocations and local knowledge.
