Its time to rethink Global Mobility

Working in Global Mobility for ten years I have seen a lot of clients not receive what they really need. My focus has been on relocating employees once they have accepted the job offer at either their current company or a new company.

I have noticed companies allocate hours to employees usually based on seniority in the company. However I would urge you to reassess global mobility and hours allocated to employees as it doesn’t matter how senior or junior a person is, it still takes the same amount of time to relocate them successfully.

What really determines the number of hours required to relocate a person/couple or family is the following

  1. Their knowledge of the city they are moving to

  2. Understanding what is important to them across the board, from temporary accommodation, style of home type of school, individual interests.

  3. Finding their tribe in their new location.

  4. Understanding their needs upon arrival – why place a family in the city

  5. On going support until they find their feet.

There is a lot of money wasted in providing a special service to a VIP customer (senior manager, CEO) but truth be told everyone of our customers are VIP’s. We strive to provide the best service possible to all customers however because of company restraints on global mobility “packages” our time is often cut short and the customer is left to fend for themselves in a foreign city. This situation is not ideal. It results in an unhappy employee who becomes unproductive and everyone loses.

Each and every persons needs are different and a number of hours allocated to an employee based on the level of seniority in a company rather than on their set of circumstances and needs is critical to a successful relocation.

I would urge Managers of People and Culture (HR) to rethink how they structure Global Mobility packages so both the company and the employee come out winning.
